On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, Dolores (Pulit) Tomko of Murrysville, passed peacefully from this world at the age of 90. Dolores was a graduate of Scott High School in North Braddock where she was very proud to win an award for writing an essay about being an American. At age 15, she met the love of her life Michael at a dance and they were married for 59 years. After high school, she enjoyed working as a draftsman at Union Switch and Signal in Swissvale before starting a family.
Dolores was a devoted wife and nurturing mother. She built a home full of love by always being present for her family. She enjoyed baking, cake decorating, cooking, crocheting, knitting, and sewing and was blessed with artistic gifts which she generously shared with others. She always was proud to tell stories about her loved ones. Dolores volunteered at her church teaching religious education and was awarded the Saint Anne Medal, the highest national recognition given to adults who help Catholic girls develop spiritually. She also enjoyed volunteering with her husband Michael making French fries at the summer church street fairs. Additionally, Dolores was a Girl Scout leader and volunteered to support her children in activities whenever needed.
Growing up, her parents instilled in her a great appreciation for all her blessings and to look at life with optimism and a love for God. She was a devout Catholic and practiced her faith traditions earnestly, passing these on to her children and grandchildren. She was a wonderful mother and loyal wife. She leaves behind her beloved children Michelle (Dr. Howard) Ferimer, Carol (Robert) Furgurson, Kathleen (Brian) Molinaro, and Mary Ann (CAPT Michael) Hritz; sister of Daniel Pulit, Diana (Pulit) Granchai, Kathy (Pulit) Hubinsky, Sherry (Pulit) Smeltz: grandmother to Dr. Stephanie Ferimer, Steven (Shannon) Ferimer, Miles (Linden Nelson) Molinaro, Breanna (Josh Staniscia) Molinaro, Livia Molinaro, Conrad Molinaro, Elsa Hritz, and Dolly Hritz; great grandmother to Charley Ferimer, and Piper Ferimer; sister-in-law to Elsie (Tomko) Spevak, Bill Spevak, Carl Grasha, Charlene Pulit, Wayne Granchai, Mike Hubinsky and Skip Smeltz; predeceased by her faithful and devoted husband Michael Tomko , loving sister Patricia (Pulit) Grasha, mother Alice Pulit, father John Pulit, cousin Jerry Chervenak, mother-in-law Mary Tomko, and father-in-law Michael Tomko.
Friends and family received Tuesday, February 18, 2 – 7 p.m.
James F. Kutch Funeral Home and Crematory
433 Lincoln Highway
East McKeesport, PA
Parastas ~ Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Divine Liturgy ~ Wednesday at noon, St. Peter & Paul Church in Braddock, PA. Everyone please meet at the church.
Burial will follow in McKeesport Versailles Cemetery.
The family suggests donations in Dolores’s name to the Sisters of St. Basil in Uniontown or Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)
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18 Condolences
I got to know the Tomko family through the daughters who attended the same parochial school as I. Eventually, Mrs. Tomko and her husband became close friends with my parents. When you met her, you felt that you were dealing with a decent and caring individual. I would like to pay her what would have been Mr. Tomko’s greatest compliment: she was not truculent. One of her greatest gifts was that she could carry on a conversation while keeping track of what her husband said in the next room. May she rest in peace.
Thank you for your kind words about our mother. We cherish these thoughtful recollections you have shared.
Wonderful big sister and her love for me and skip was truly remarkable Rememberjng all the st Augustine trips we took to see Mike and her are very precious to us and to our children as well She will be missed much love her much♥️
Thank you, Aunt Sherry and Uncle Skip, for your kind comments. Mummy and Daddy always enjoyed your visits to see them when the “snowbirded” to Florida. They were special memories shared while they were alive! They appreciated you making time to share with them.
Becky and I send our deepest condolences to Michelle, Howard, and the entire family. We know your faith and family will help guide you through this difficult time. Your family was blessed to have had your mom in their lives for so many years. May she rest in peace.
Thank you so much for your kind words about our mother. They are comforting in this time of mourning.
I am sorry to hear your sad news! Please know that my heart and thoughts go out to you. If you need anything or just to meet somewhere to chat, let me know!
I love and miss you, my dear friend!
Thank you for your thoughtful message of comfort. We appreciate it during this difficult time.
Dolores was my big sister and always helped watch us younger sisters for my mom who was busy with 6 children.She was all what people are saying.Beautiful in her heart and soul and looks.Her and Mike raised 4 sweet and lovely daughters and they also have beautiful and wonderful families. She will truly be missed by all of us.
Aunt Diana and Uncle Wayne, thank you for you for sweet comments about our mom. She loved you dearly and will be “with you in spirit” as you navigate being oldest Pulit daughter now.
Missing my kind and wonderful sister.
Thank you, Aunt Kathy. Mummy loved her brother and sisters dearly. She was grateful for all you did to care for Grandma Pulit.
I’m so sad to hear of the passing of cousin Delores. She is now in the arms of her beloved Mike and bathed in Gods love..I’m so happy I was able to visit her a few years ago.RIP. Love Kathy and Steve becker
Thank you for your kind comments about your cousin and our mother. She loved her family dearly and was always so proud of her cousins. Your words bring comfort at this time.
Mrs. Tomko was first a good Catholic. She practiced her faith and yet remained nonjudgemental. Second, it was always about her family. She was and continues to remains a source of inspiration to me.
Thank you, Marianne, for your comforting words. Mummy loved the holy water you brought from Lourdes and used it in prayers. Your parents and your siblings were good friends to our family and she and my father loved them ever so dearly.
One of the special memories of my life is Dad’s frequent personal interactions and phone calls with a dear friend, Mrs. Delores Tomko’s husband, Mr. Michael Tomko of Blessed Memory. Conversations would include vocational matters pertaining to education, sports interests, primarily football, and Christian related Spiritual concerns. Needless to say, as we can imagine, cherish, and appreciate, Mrs. Delores was in stride with Mr. Michael as they ran the race of life. Now, Mrs. Delores will join her beloved husband as one who can say “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” and “there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness…” (2Tim4:7,8A)!! My deepest sympathies are extended to Michelle and Dr. Howard, Carol and Robert, Kathleen and Brian, Mary Ann and CPT Michael, along with Mrs. Delores’ brother, Daniel, sisters Diana, Kathy, and Sherry, and all family, friends, and loved ones. Memory Eternal!
Thank you so much for these thoughtful, comforting words. My parents absolutely loved your mom, dad, and your entire family. These words of tribute and comfort come at a time we most need and appreciate them.
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